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The Wellness Community | Professional Profiles

Fanny has been helping parents, grandparents and family friends save for the post-secondary education of the children in their lives since 2001. As a Heritage Dealing Representative, she is well versed in the field of Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs), with an in-depth knowledge of what makes an RESP unique from other types of investments.


Fanny serves the Province of NL. As a parent, Fanny understands the importance of safety and security, along with growth, to ensure that the money will be there for college or university when it is needed. She grew up in rural NL and attended the College at St. Anthony. In addition to being a licensed RESP Representative, Fanny is active in community activities, and enjoys the outdoors. Fanny resides in St. John's.


Quote from Representative:

"I am thankful everyday that I started an education savings plan for my daughters when they were young, especially now that they have both used their plans to further their post-secondary studies." 




Fanny Hoddinott  Licensed Heritage RESP Dealing Representative

Direct:         709 690-3558

Business:    709 722-7377

Fax:              709 579-3727

Toll Free:     1 800 563-6933 





© 2016 by Two Ravens Communications Inc.



Disclaimer: The information presented by The Wellness Guide and is intended for the educational and free exchange of ideas and speech in relation to health and wellness only. It is not intended to diagnose any physical or mental condition, or to prescribe or promote any particular product(s). It is not intended as a substitute for the advice and treatment of a licensed professional.


All the information in the Wellness Directory and Business Profiles has been submitted and paid for by the advertiser. nor the Wellness Guide 2016 do not, in any way, endorse claims made by any advertiser or contributing writer.

© 2018 by Two Ravens Communications Inc.

Design:  Arlene Mercer-Peddigrew

Marketing:  Sandy Mercer

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